Friday, June 29, 2012

The Idea Filter

Being a in Kids Ministry always requires lots of creativity! It may be trying to think of an object lesson or a new element of your service that you think could really enhance spiritual development. We are always coming up with ideas and we should. However, not every good idea should be implemented. Every idea that we have should be run through the “idea filter.” The idea filter is something that keeps us from implementing ideas too quickly or ideas that doesn’t really fit our vision. If an idea doesn’t fit the vision of the church and is implemented anyway, then soon the vision becomes blurred and is not as clear as it should be. Let’s take a look at the different filters we need to run our ideas through.

Vision – You won’t be able to pass it through this filter if you don’t know the vision first. Our Pastors have done such a great job at identifying what the vision of the church is and making it clear and plain. Make sure that the vision for the kids ministry of your church lines up with the vision for the church as a whole. You cannot compete visions. Some good ideas have to be discarded because they don’t fit the vision. God would not give you an idea that collides with your Pastors vision for the church.

Resources – This is a pretty pragmatic filter, but one that needs to be focused on. Simply put, can we pull it off? Do we have the human resources or financial resources for the idea to work? If not, then the idea must go… God will not lead you where He will not provide.

God – Obviously making sure that it’s an idea inspired by God is the most important of all filters. If an idea does not have approval from the Lord, then it’s going to be futile to move ahead with it. God has plenty of great ideas for you; He’s not trying to hide them!

So, don’t get upset if every good idea isn’t approved or doesn’t pass through the filter. You’ll save yourself a lot of time/resources/confusion by not implementing ideas that really don’t fit the culture.
