Monday, May 21, 2012

On Time for Go Time

In a fast-paced, growing church there are few things more important than timing. It is crucial that people are punctual in order for services to run as smooth as possible and to bring the most honor and glory to the Lord. In Kids Ministry this is no different. Many things happen behind the scenes before the first child enters a room on Sunday morning. Here at VFC, we ask our Service Squad Leaders and Lead Teachers to arrive 1 hour and 15 minutes before service begins. At this time, the SQL's lead the LT's in what we call a huddle meeting. In this meeting any announcements or changes relative to service are shared and then together as a team they share praises and prayer requests. After things are shared, the group prays for and over the service and each one of the kids that will walk in the door that morning. Once they are prayed up, the LT's are dismissed to their classrooms.

Kids Ministry volunteers at VFC are asked to arrive 45 minutes prior to the start of service. At this time the Lead Teacher leads a huddle of their own with their classroom volunteers. Updates are given as well as assignments for the day. Praises and prayer requests are shared and again the classroom and the kids that will attend are prayed over and for. It is so important when working with kids to have your spiritual tank full. There is nothing that accomplishes this quite like prayer.

When people are not prompt and these prayers don't take place, there is a noticeable difference in the classroom. Prayer is where the power lies and the ministry begins. For the best ministry to take place, be sure everyone is present, on-time and praying; pray and pray some more. You will be amazed the difference it makes and the ministry that can then take place for all ages.

- Shon

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