Friday, January 27, 2012

5 Traits of a Great Volunteer

We are so blessed to have what I would consider one of the best volunteer teams in the country. Each week hundreds of volunteers come out just to serve the kids of Valley Family Church. I’ve compiled a list of what I believe to be the top 5 traits of a great volunteer. There are obviously more traits than this but these are some key traits that volunteers can really use that will bless your leader.

1.       They get that it’s not about “I”

Great volunteers understand that it’s not about their preference or what they want. They understand that there’s a vision for the church and that ultimately the vision comes from the Lord. Around here we call it “screaming green.” To define screaming green is basically to scream the same thing that the entire church is screaming. If the church is streaming green, you shouldn’t be screaming purple.

2.       They serve with excellence

Great volunteers understand that the details are what separate good Kids Ministries from great ones. They know that no detail is too small to pay attention to. A story that we focus on here at Valley Family Church is the story of the Queen of Sheba. The Queen of Sheba understood the importance of how things looked and the importance of sweating in preparation so you don’t bleed in battle. Great volunteers serve with excellence!

3.       They are humble

A key to being great in anything, including being a Kids Ministry volunteer, is being humble. Everyone brings something to the table that can benefit the team, but having the mindset that you can learn from everyone will take you far. Having a mindset of “I don’t know everything” will really help your team not rely on what worked in the past but move towards what can work better now.

4.       They like being asked to do big things

Another key to being a great volunteer is the desire to be asked to do something big. When you’re asked to do something that seems impossible, are you caught up in what can’t be done or are you excited to exercise your faith? Being a volunteer like this will really bless your leader because they will feel the freedom to dream knowing that you’re behind them 100% ready to accomplish the impossible with God!

5.       They have fun!

This is really simple but something that is needed. Great volunteers understand that life is short and church should be fun. Sure sometimes things get stressful, and some things don’t go according to plan. In the end, having an attitude of fun makes any situation better. I truly believe that fun is just that, an attitude. Having a predisposition that you are going to have fun will make even the most difficult situation laughable.


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