Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Changing Diapers; Changing Lives!

Did you know that as a Kids Ministry volunteer, one of the most rewarding roles you can have is to change a child’s diaper? At VFC, we change every child’s diaper during the service to ensure that the child is properly cared for. Most of the time, when asked to be on diaper duty, a person might want to say no, complain, or feel like they have the worst assignment for the morning. However, that is not the case! Changing diapers is an opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with each child and plant seeds into their young life.
It's important that when a volunteer changes a child’s diaper they take the opportunity to speak two to three Bible verses over that child. Sometimes those two or three verses will be the only scripture that is ever spoken into that child’s life. Many children who come to our classrooms during the weekend services have parents who are new to the Lord and their parents don’t know that they can speak life, or have the authority to speak life, into their child using the Word of God! Instead, those children often times have parents who are just learning what the Word says, that the Word is alive and active, or are just learning that they can speak the Word in their own life, let alone their child’s life!
As a volunteer, how sobering is it to realize that you have this amazing opportunity to add life to a child, but because there may be a dirty diaper, you choose another role for the day?! Changing diapers is an amazing opportunity and an honor to spend that one-on-one time with the child and speak the Word of God into their life! One of our VFC codes is: We live by faith. Don’t let dirty diapers get in your way of speaking into a young child’s life! By speaking the Word of God into a child’s life as you change their diaper, you are teaching them to live by faith. Volunteer to change diapers and change a child’s life!
Here are some of the verses that we speak over each child in our Birth-12 Month classroom all the way up to our three-year-old classroom.
“You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you!” Philippians 4:13
 “You are created in God’s image.” Genesis 1:26
 “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
 “You have the mind of Christ” 1 Corinthians 2:16
 “You abide in God and His Words abide in you.” John 15:7
 “God is always with you and will never leave you.” Hebrews 13:5
 “You have angels all around you, wherever you go.” Psalm 91:11
 By Jesus’ stripes you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24
 “You hear the voice of Jesus and a stranger you will not follow.” John 10:4
 “You walk by faith and not by what you can see.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
 “You can have what you say when you pray, in Jesus’ name.” Mark 11:24 


1 comment:

  1. If you are sick and tired of changing dirty diapers and want a potty training solution that guarantees results...

    Click this link right here and watch a video that reveals my very own potty training story and how I stumbled upon a potty training method so effective, it has helped thousands of parents get their children out of diapers for good... and in 3 short days!

    Click Here To Watch The Video Now

    Thanks again
