Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monkey Hear, Monkey Say

Have you ever felt like you are talking to brick wall? Have you ever felt like when you are in front of a group of preschool or elementary kids that none of them are listening to you or watching what you are doing? Well, you are not alone! There are many times throughout my day where I feel as though I am talking to myself. But I have good news! Even if it feels like you are only talking to yourself, the children are always watching and listening to what you are saying, but it may not necessarily look like it!
Here are few examples from my preschool classroom:
In my weekday community preschool class, I teach some of the children who attend VFC on the weekends. During class, as we were talking about Jesus and how He was a little boy and had to grow up just like preschoolers do, I asked them what other stories they knew about Jesus. Many responded with how Jesus was in a manger, but the same little boy talked about how Jesus put mud on someone’s eyes so he could see. This was the same story being taught the previous weekend! He remembered what was being taught to him, even though it may not have appeared like he was listening!
Recently, I had a child say a not so nice word and a volunteer in my classroom told the child that is was a bad word and we don’t say bad words at school. Right after she told him that, he said, “I know another bad word,” and said an even worse swear word. This goes to show you that kids are listening and they know the difference between good words and bad words. We need to be cognizant that the words we are speaking, they are hearing!
Here is another example of the positive effects of words: In our community preschool, we have a time designated each day called “Circle Time” and during this time, we share a devotional with the preschool kids. During our daily devotional, there is a short story, a Bible verse and then a prayer. I always close the prayer by saying, “in Jesus Name, Amen”. Well, one Friday morning, my student teacher was doing the devotional with a group of kids and as she concluded the prayer she simply said “Amen.” One of the kids piped up and told her that her prayer was wrong because we have to say “In Jesus name, Amen.”  It was a great example to me of how they are always listening even when you don’t think they are!
Children pick up on things you say and do and they will repeat it! It’s important for us as volunteers and Kids Ministry staff members to remember that kids are always listening and that we should only speak words of life. We need to remember that even on those mornings when it seems like the children only want to do talk to their neighbor, that they are listening and watching your every move! Here at VFC one of our codes is “We reach youth – we honor age.” When we remember to speak words of life and love into each child, we are reaching the youth and the next generation!

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